Dec 162009

Stripe here. Just checking in to let you thirsty RS fans know that though the busy holiday season schedules make for brief and infrequent postings, The Shakers are by no means finished sampling and creating tasty festive ‘tinis. They don’t call it getting into the “spirit” of the season for nothing, so let’s get to shaking. Soon. Santa won’t be expecting a plate of cookies at your houses and you better have something good for him when he comes.

Now, there’s something under there for me, right?
Stripe out.

Jul 022009

Shaker Two says thursday is the new friday this week, so Emong and I decided to begin the holiday weekend early. Emong, freshen my ‘tini, will you?

What? We’re not shaking in until SUNDAY???? How ’bout if we just keep a nice steady buzz on until then, and you girls can catch up later? Kthnks.

Jun 222009

You know, I don’t read a lot of papers….being a cat and all. But I think I’d have heard if they reinstated prohibition.

So, what’s a cat got to do to get a drink around these parts? I see plenty of bottles but not nearly enough booze on glass action. Chop chop ladies! Let’s get some shakers working. Soon.

Stripe out.


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