At the end of a long work week the Shakers decided they needed something soothing. Friday night beckoned and instead of revelry our thoughts turned to comfort food. Atkins followers, avert your eyes. It’s gonna get veeerrrry carb-y in here.
Dinner: Mashed Potato Bar!
Both regular russet and sweet potatoes made into mashes and served with a variety of fixins. It was guuuuud.
For our ‘tinis we decided to test a few more recipes from the Rain Vodka site. (Note: this site is flash, so I can’t post a direct link to the recipes… it also has a lovely *ahem* soundtrack that you can’t mute. The menu is fairly easy to navigate so you can find the recipes on your own.)
First up: The Rain Mango Tango
Made with Rain Honey Mango Melon Vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice this one made us wish we had a whole bottle of the vodka (we were still working off testers for the other flavors). Delicious with a nice balance of fruity flavors.
We both give this one a 4 1/2 olives.
Next up is the Rain Ocean Breeze made with Rain Red Grape Hibiscus Vodka.
Like last time we tried this vodka, we could not get past the overpowering “fake grape” smell/taste. We’d love to have been able to detect the hibiscus, but nope! All grape all the time. Yuck. We give this one olive.
Then we have The Seaside Rain made with Lavender Lemonade Vodka:
Shaker 2 found the grapefruit flavor a bit overpowering and Shaker 1 agrees that she’d have liked to have the lavender show through better. Pleasant but not a show stopper. 3 olives.

Lastly we have the Rain Provencal made with Lavender Lemonade Vodka.
This was a fun looking one made with an egg white to foam it up. The taste however was just ok. The lemon overpowered the lavender note here which was not the case with the other Lavender Lemonade Vodka recipes we’ve tried. 3 olives.
So in the world of Rain flavored vodkas, yes to Lavender Lemonade and Honey Mango Melon. Sorry Cucumber Lime and Red Grape Hibiscus, you’re not on the guest list.
Shakers 1 and 2 signing out in a blissful haze of carby goodness. And a special hello to Suzy Q for listing The Red Shaker as one of the things she’s thankful for. We’re thankful for our thirsty faithful followers. Good night and good shaking!