Aug 152011

“Every night, in every city around the world- it happens……”

If that sounds familiar to you, then you’ve already met my new personal hero:  Zane Lamprey, host of the show that is pretty well the Olympics/Super Bowl/Indy 500 of drinking:  Three Sheets.  I know, I know….I’m a bit late to this party.  This show has sat in my hulu queue for the better part of a year, but I just never found the time.   Well, nasty summer cold + weekend feeling like crap= tons of free time to catch up on some entertainment options.  And after re-watching all of my favorite zombie movies, it was time for a virtual cocktail.  Because that’s yet another lame by product of feeling like crap:  no desire for actual cocktails.  Which, when you’ve got a martini blog, can be a problem.

{The management would like to apologize for the week off of drinking/posting last week.  I hope you were all able to carry on without me.  Thank you for your patience and we will now resume our regularly scheduled imbibing}

I have to admit, Shaker One is a sucker for cooking/travel tasting shows.  Bourdain, Ramsey…give me a chef and a half hour and I’ll happily sit for any of it.  Some are great, some less so.  But in reading the synopsis for Three Sheets I thought, hmmm-a show devoted to sampling cocktails from around the globe?  How could this not be fantastic?


And it is my friends, oh my yes it is.
First off, Zane is an excellent host.  He’s funny, warm, adventurous and makes a real effort to seek out what is unique and/or special in any locale, all while being totally respectful to the country and it’s people.  And the man’s liver has got to be bulletproof.  Even in my wild imbibing college days, I couldn’t keep up with him.  And that’s saying something.  How he’s made it through 4 seasons of this without ending up on the transplant list is beyond me.  So far I’ve worked my way through the first season and part of the second, vicariously sampling all that is weird, wonderful and wet in a glass.

If you enjoy travel and cocktails, this is the show for you.  I look forward to the rest of the series.  Zane Lamprey, I owe you a drink if we ever cross paths.




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