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Apr 232010

Friday night finds the Shaker Gals worn out after a long day working on their SSP(super secret project).  Shaker Two discovered a lovely non-martini cocktail recipe in her latest issue of Bon Appetit magazine that we were both dying to try-

Limoncello Champagne Cocktail with Mint:

Shaker One harvested a cutting of her monster mint from the Balcony Bar and we gathered up the rest of the ingredients which we happened to have on hand.  (What, you don’t keep champagne chilled in the fridge at all times?  You’re not officially civilized or a grown up if there isn’t an emergency bottle of bubbly in your fridge.  Always).

The verdict: we just had our socks knocked off.   No adjustments or tweaks needed.  This is lovely…..not too sweet, subtle hint of mint and lemon…….yummy.  Shaker Two says, “If you put the glass to your ear you can hear paradise”.  Tough to argue with that logic.

So make this cocktail.  It’s a refreshing bubbly treat.

We bid you a good night as we ride a wave of bubbly deliciousness out on this friday night.


  3 Responses to “Cheers!”

Comments (3)
  1. I’ve been dying to hear how this tasting went! I’m delighted to have everything handy to mix up my own bit of paradise 🙂 Cheers to my Red Shaker girls!!!

  2. Oh yeah! I’ll have one of these! Cheers to you!
    And yep! I always have Champagne in my fridge.

  3. One of my favorites – oh that sounds divine!

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